So - last night I had the night off of work. My "plan" was to head to the gym, rent a movie and absorb the "me time" that was available. All the roommates gone. Beautiful evening with a perfect sunset on the lagoon. The start to a beautiful evening.
-BUT- I got to the gym, could not find a parking spot ANYWHERE (not even a mile down the street). The gym then sounded like a really bad idea. I decided to scratch that and workout harder this morning (which yes, I did - no cheating for me!). So then I was about to head home when I heard from a friend down in PB to come eat our homemade lasagna we made two nights prior and watch the Season Premiere of Tosh.O [an epic show about Tosh - this dude - making fun of hilarious YouTube Videos]. Yep, that seemed tempting and at this point I just wanted to chill with someone - so I head my way down to PB [which mind you, is about 30 minutes from Carlsbad].
I'm so anxious to go eat, I see the Garnet/Balboa exit, blinker over to the right lane... thinking to myself, "almost there!" Just when things couldn't get any better, they got worse. The car in front of me slams on their breaks, which causes me to put the pedal to the metal and hit my breaks. I look in my rearview mirror and think, "uh oh. this car is going to nail me." CRASHHHHH!!!!!!!! Luckily, I gave myself enough room in front of me that I didn't collide into the Camry in front of me (thanks drivers ed teacher DAD!) I crawl over my seat and hop out the passenger side door - mind you, we're on the busy, rush hour highway. I start getting all of the information you usually get from a person who just smashed into you and juuust when I didn't think things could get any worse.
......a lady comes and clips my driver side mirror!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH. I was like "are you joking me?!!??!!?" So - not only do I have to worry about one report from the cop - I now have to have 2 police reports.
the cop gets to the scene, thinks we're crazy for blocking traffic - dude, in wisco we have to stay right where the accident happened otherwise we get yelled at! So - that's what I But nope, in California, you have to get off the highway and go on some random street to not block the main traffic. Makes sense...
We pull over on some side street off of the highway - all 3 vehicles, plus a motorcycle cop. The officer talks to the guy who hit me, collects his information and lets him leave. Then he comes to me and asks what happened - so I tell him. When I told him that the girl clipped me when I was parked and out of my car, he BUSTED OUT LAUGHING saying, "wait!?!? She clipped you when you were parked and weren't in the car?!?" "Yes, officer." I had a very hard time holding back from laughing - so we kinda chuckled together. He then tells me that I'll be in 2 separate reports. He then asks me to come look at the damage done to my car. I get out of my car, we get in the reflection of my headlights, he looks at my feet and BUSTS OUT LAUGHING AGAIN. Yes guys - I had my five fingers on - the officer thought that was pretty comical.
Bet I made that officers night. Certainly didn't make his night with all of the paperwork he's going to have, but totally made him laugh. He said he had had a long night.
SOOOOOOOOO, remember that even when something bad happens, you just being there can turn the situation around. Seeing as how I shouldn't have to pay for anything, I was happy leaving that accident, making a police officers long evening - as I drove away with a back bumper shifted up and ready to fall off - and a mirror that needs some fixin'.