Friday, July 15, 2011

22 things I've learned so far in life.

1. The first pancake always turns out badly.
2. You don’t have to get along with everyone, or make everyone like you.
3. You always have at least 2 choices, even if you don’t like your choices.

5. There's fear and love. And one of them is more fun.
6. Soda is evil.
7. It’s okay to break the rules, as long as you are good enough not to get caught, and you aren’t hurting anyone.
8. “Be kinder than necessary ’cause everyone you meet is fighting some kind of
9. You train people how to treat you.
10. There’s always hope.
11. If everyone threw their problems into a pile, you'd take yours back in an instant.
12. From every negative, comes a positive - you just have to open your eyes enough to realize it.
13. You can always be grateful for something.
14. Google can answer
15. Being
silly is one of my favorite qualities in a person.
Honesty is always the easiest route - even if it’s not in the short term.
17. You should never stop learning or trying to be a better person.
18. Worrying is useless, unless it motivates you to take action.
19. Forgive, it frees the soul.
20. Happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.
21. Every person yearns to be needed.
22. I still have a lot more to learn.

Repeat after me: