Saturday. November. 27. 2010
I experience the most surreal-out-of-body-not-even-scary-experience.
........ skydiving.
Yep, I dropped Drew off at the San Diego Airport and decided I wanted to accomplish Skydiving on my Saturday afternoon. I hit up my friend Looney, said "Let's go Skydiving" and he said, "Okay". Well..that wasn't hard :) [didn't need to pull an arm and leg for that! hehe.] I drove down to the Chula Vista drop zone where SKYDIVE SAN DIEGO is located, "signed my life away" and prepared for a 13,000 feet plane dive.
I saw one of my friends jumping and he said he could be my tandem partner. He's on his 1,100th-some-jump & taught me the ropes of skydiving. Decked out in my under armour capris, five fingers and 1/4 zip-up, I strapped up in my harness and ran out to the plane. I was told to put my goggles on when the plane door opened and to just rock out the plane. It was crazy---I wasn't even scared. It didn't even occur to me that I was jumping 13,000 feet with no control and praying the wind would take me the right direction.
A front and back rock out of the plane && we were off. We did a few summer sault flips out of the plane (which was FREAKIN' BOMB!!!!!) and then just free fell. I had to hold my harnest by my shoulders until Isaiah tapped me on the shoulder to flee my hands like I was flying. Before jumping out of the plane he said, "make sure you breathe out of your teeth because otherwise you'll have 120mph wind shooting into your lungs" that's what I concentrated on when I was falling---BREATHING correctly. haha. My friend Justin fell 4 seconds after us and when I looked straight ahead he was 5-10 feet in front of me....needless to say, when Isaiah and I pulled our parachute I realized I had a massive amount of drool alllllllllllllllll over my face. haha---yep, Justin definately saw that. New nickname--drool face? how Once the parachute was released, Isaiah let me guide it. He said, "grab onto these two handles and pull one of them really really hard"---so I did. And we got to spin in spirals down in the sky.
It happened so quickly but it was so out-of-body-and-AWESOME. This was certainly the #1 rush-not-sure-what-to-think-and-i-doubt-anything-can-beat-this-feeling experience that I've ever had. I want to go again!!! It was THE COOLEST THING EVER.
Be random. Do something out of your element. And LOVE IT.
Too cool Court! I want to go skydiving now! I love the way you told your story :)