10:00AM - all packed up. Looney and I met Shawn, Jeremy & Lincoln at Camp Pendleton to make our way towards Lake Elsinore to find Tenaja Falls. Jeremy has been there before so he "knew how to get there." After a little more than an hour truck ride, we came to the conclusion we were all lost. Looney and I in his 2 wheel drive Tacoma and the other three guys in Shawn's $2,500 rigged 4 wheel drive Tahoe, we plowed all wheels into the mountains to search for the waterfall. We came to an area in the trail where there was a small area to the left to turn-around (if need be). As we drove a few feet further up the trail, a HYUNDAI - WAS - PARKED - IN - THE - MIDDLE - OF - THE - DIRT - ROAD. No passengers in it, all belongings out of the car and this Hyundai blocking the trail from traffic to go through. Needless, to say - we needed to get through to see if the waterfall was up that way.
4 guys, 1 girl and 2 trucks later::: Shawn plowed over the hill incline, through the brush, dodging the Hyundai and landed on the other side of the trail with a few scratches on his vehicle from the brush. I say to Looney, "let's just park your truck and go hop in the truck with them. There's no way your Tacoma is going to make it - your ass end is going to fish tail right into that car." Looney, on the other hand, had FULL FAITH in his 2 wheel drive baby. "Nah, I'll be fine" Here goes nothin'....SMASHHHHHHHHHHHHH - pegs off the hyundai's right side mirror and scrapes up the side of the car!!!
Looney "oh shit, did I hit that?"
Me "oh my god..yep."
The look on his face was priceless. He wanted to laugh but wanted to be pissed at the same time. He writes a note, hangs onto it in case he sees the dumbasses who parked their car in-the-middle-of-the-flippin'-road up ahead and we all carry on our way to explore what's ahead.

Famous words came out of Looney's mouth when talking about what he's going to do about hitting the car and getting back across to the opposite side of the trail: "I'll leave the note on their car or I'll just hit it again!" We get back over where the Hyundai is parked - and damn, it's a lot steeper of a lift going back the other way. All of us try shifting the car over towards the left side of the road - and the car alarm goes off.
Shawn "Don't worry - it will only go off for 2 minutes"
Shawn and I take the Tacoma's tail end, start pushing it and as Looney gets some speed, the mud underneath us makes us slip...and well, Looney called it, hitting the car again. A note left on the mirror with his name and phone number and we were getting the heck outta there.
Still determined to find Tenaja Falls? YOU BET!!! After asking someone, we came to find out we were rather close. The mile hike to the fall was sketchy - we had to cross over a river that is usually easy to cross (until you get inches and inches of rain like we had just gotten). The river was flooded and we carefully needed to find rocks to hop on. Shawn on the other hand, ended up falling in. HAHAHA. The waterfall was breathtaking. How God created such naturally beautiful scenery is beyond me. We went at a perfect time. Rain had just hit the waterfall, so it was flowing pretty awesome. We climbed up and down the waterfall rocks for an hour or so, took it nature's beauty and called it a day because we didn't want to be stuck in the mountains once dark hit.
The day adventures had called for a chill night. Lincoln made dinner at my place and we all took turns dominating Super Nintendo. Epic day & awesome night. Little did we know we'd have just as many problems the next day on our mud cave adventure....
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